Monday, 26 October 2009

Website Rational


After presenting my website to Tom, Mike and the rest of my group a few alterations were pointed out. First of all my rollovers were being pains and didn't work which was brilliant to say the least so that is obviously something I need to address. It was pointed out to me that my work is predominately black and white so the use of the colour splashes seemed to contrast with the rest of my work, it was suggested that I make my entire site black and white. My reason for using colour was just to make the page a bit more striking but I think the bird pattern does that and obviously my work. Also because my type is unique and personal the colour wasn't really needed. I think when I revise my site I'd either remove the colour or make it monochrome...
The next point made was that my pages are made to be central wit the back ground creating and almost border to the page and directing the eye to the centre, so I think my work would need to be central, perhaps by creating thumbnails under the main images to navigate through?
Overall I felt that the presentation went fairly well and think the critisms made were appropriate and definately something I will address.

(example of page on site)

For my website I wanted something quite simple but also something that expressed both my and the style in which I work. I also wanted it to be quite modern and Youthful as I think that is predominantly the type of things I'd like to be working with and doing. First of all I selected the background as it was quite exciting and vibrant, but I kept the colours to black and white so it wasn't too distracting from the work I would be putting on the page.

I put the white on top of this so there would be lots of white space around the images, illustrations etc that I would be putting on the site. this makes the images advance towards you, the background guides your eye into the page and down through it. It took me a while to get used to the idea of slices on Fireworks so I kept my pages quite simple, they all follow the same layout which makes the site quite easy to navigate round and keeps it quite simple which works effectively so people don't get too confused and navigate away from my page.

I used hands written type for my logo and heading, this gave my page a quirky feel and also quite a personal feel. I personally like hand written type and alot of the sites I looked at used hand written type which I really liked. I combined this with some selected type just so the titles of the images I put up were easy to change add, delete etc. I combined this with splashes of colour to give the page that extra bit of vibrancy as this colour contrasts the use of monochrome in the rest of the page. I made my rolloevers colourful spashes so as to highlight where you could navigate through which I thought was quite a fun way to do this instead of a simple underline. It also adds quite a youthful, exciteable feel to the page.

Overall I quite like my site. I think it illustrates me and my work quite effectively. The site is simple and easy to move through and all works as I intended it too. there is one area, my rollovers, that don't quite work exactly how I wanted them too but I am still trying to work out how to fix this. Overall I'm pleased with my website and glad I stuck with it working out how to do things.

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