Wednesday, 28 October 2009


Pretty much what I'm thinking for my final pages...
Illustrations are the areas that you are looking at and can choose from
collages to the right are examples of how these could be used, the mix of collage and drawing is quite interesting if not abit weird/ terrifying
this is trying to portray the idea that even if you can pick parts of your body from other people it doesn't mean you will look good, so to embrace yourself kinda tiiing...
I used note paper as I wanted to keep the pages quite sketchy as if a scrap book, and thought it worked nicely with the background and the collage.
I hand wrote all type to continue this theme
The catalogue is almost an experssion of a girls mind, a collection/ scrap book of everything they would want to be, thinking about all the areas they would select and how they would put them together etc...
they type relate to the subject but give a positive thought to the pages so as if to conclude the madness...
The collages are made from modern celebrities as well as female icons such as twiggy and madonna. I used a mix because I like the black and white older photos as they work well with my background, mixing with the more vibrant colours of modern photos.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Website Rational


After presenting my website to Tom, Mike and the rest of my group a few alterations were pointed out. First of all my rollovers were being pains and didn't work which was brilliant to say the least so that is obviously something I need to address. It was pointed out to me that my work is predominately black and white so the use of the colour splashes seemed to contrast with the rest of my work, it was suggested that I make my entire site black and white. My reason for using colour was just to make the page a bit more striking but I think the bird pattern does that and obviously my work. Also because my type is unique and personal the colour wasn't really needed. I think when I revise my site I'd either remove the colour or make it monochrome...
The next point made was that my pages are made to be central wit the back ground creating and almost border to the page and directing the eye to the centre, so I think my work would need to be central, perhaps by creating thumbnails under the main images to navigate through?
Overall I felt that the presentation went fairly well and think the critisms made were appropriate and definately something I will address.

(example of page on site)

For my website I wanted something quite simple but also something that expressed both my and the style in which I work. I also wanted it to be quite modern and Youthful as I think that is predominantly the type of things I'd like to be working with and doing. First of all I selected the background as it was quite exciting and vibrant, but I kept the colours to black and white so it wasn't too distracting from the work I would be putting on the page.

I put the white on top of this so there would be lots of white space around the images, illustrations etc that I would be putting on the site. this makes the images advance towards you, the background guides your eye into the page and down through it. It took me a while to get used to the idea of slices on Fireworks so I kept my pages quite simple, they all follow the same layout which makes the site quite easy to navigate round and keeps it quite simple which works effectively so people don't get too confused and navigate away from my page.

I used hands written type for my logo and heading, this gave my page a quirky feel and also quite a personal feel. I personally like hand written type and alot of the sites I looked at used hand written type which I really liked. I combined this with some selected type just so the titles of the images I put up were easy to change add, delete etc. I combined this with splashes of colour to give the page that extra bit of vibrancy as this colour contrasts the use of monochrome in the rest of the page. I made my rolloevers colourful spashes so as to highlight where you could navigate through which I thought was quite a fun way to do this instead of a simple underline. It also adds quite a youthful, exciteable feel to the page.

Overall I quite like my site. I think it illustrates me and my work quite effectively. The site is simple and easy to move through and all works as I intended it too. there is one area, my rollovers, that don't quite work exactly how I wanted them too but I am still trying to work out how to fix this. Overall I'm pleased with my website and glad I stuck with it working out how to do things.

Animation Illustrations

My animation is about Erno Goldfinger and basically the viewer is taken on a tour around Trellick Towers, A building he designed. It is intended to be quite mysterious to portray his personality. Gold hand prints and splashes are all around the building, and the viewer follows them to the top of the building where they finally see Goldfinger, this Giant, intimidating characters who then crushes the camera and ends the animation. this is to show the negative elements about Goldfinger people seem to feel about him, influenced by James Bond goldfinger film...

Here are just a couple of the illustration used until I get it finished

First image, trellick towers

lift doors that slide open

London from Trellick Towers...

I would put up more but my laptops being a bit of a bugger today which is just what you need with a few days to deadlines.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Body Project

I hate this project. With all my heart. I have never had such a creative block, its taken me 4 weeks to even have a vague idea! But I've spent the weekend playing around and have come up with an idea which will hopefully be good.

First Idea I've been playing with over the past few weeks. The idea focuses on negative opinions people have of themselves and replacing them with things they do like/ think are perfect. The outcome is effectively is rather vile, thus proving that perfection is unattainable or impossible

This is what I would look like if I could take all the parts of other people and put them together, effectively I would be terrifying...
Lauren Conrads Hair (ginger, would probably be darker but it refused)
Cheryl Coles Face
Katy Perry eyes and Body
Rachael Bilson nose
Selena Gomez Mouth

I quite liked the wackiness of this image but the images used are obviously not my own, so I am going to take this idea and develop it using my own work. I quite want to use illustration rather than photography as I've done quite abit of photography so far and want to play about with illustration more. I decided I would create some kind of catologue that you would go through and select different parts of the body to create a new person/life...
I got quite stuck on how to portray this idea but then came across Claire Ann Baker who gave me a few ideas

After looking at some of her work I decided to initially create some backgrounds for my collages using found textures that I photographed, for example the following image is a photograph of a jumper. I then put layers of paint and chalk on top to create the following pages, maintaining a common colour scheme:

These are just some of the base collages. My idea is to then add more layers or illustration, cut out bits and photographs to create the catalogue. Pages to the left would be the style you could choose from and pages to the right would be sample ideas. This being an example:

Obvious influence of Mr Bingo although I was just taking this idea from the piece I'd done before. Think the illustrations work quite nicely with the background as the backgrounds have a sort of vintage feel and the illustrations appear more modern. Other pages would have pages of eyes, nose, mouths, body etc. Not sure how well this will go down but it's an actual idea I like

So I've noooow, done my illustrations for this, so after that I've just got to do my collage, type, put it together and I'm done! yay! Think I may also drop a bit of colour, paint splash and ting on in illustrator...Shame I've got 3 days pretty much, to do it! booo

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Wire Framing

Initial page which would include logo, click to lead to main page and links to work

This would be the main page. links to more pages on the images and word option
Grey areas are the side bars where the birds would be...

Link to Blog, writing on the left work to the right. keep navigation bar along top and logo.

Links on the left to the work pieces. Work pieces on the right, move to match the links.

Contact and links

(I'm not sure if I've done this right)

Monday, 5 October 2009

Because it made me laugh, alot