(meant to be black)
I'm not quite sure why it isn't black it is on my laptop... Lord knows. Anyway; This is the final cover for Tales of the unexpected. I'm really pleased with it. I used the wallpaper to keep a consistency with the interiors. I then worked the type into the wallpaper to again portray this idea of subtle drama. I hand drew the type, mainly because of my current obsession with hand drawn type but also because I think that in itself is quite "unexpected". The other subtle focus on this piece is the illustrations built into the wall paper that you don't necessarily see straight away, illustrations that represent each of the stories in the book; a lamb for "Lamb to the slaughter" for example... I'm really pleased with this. I think it's bold and eye catching and I would pick this book up. But I am of course biased!

This is the new version of Alice and I think it looks sooo much better. I really like just the hint of the top of her head as apposed to the full body, I think it portrays her character better, nosily/curiously peaking in. This has also give the type more space and Alices eyes help direct to this and make it more prominent. I left her eyes Blue, highlighting her point of view and that it's her mind and journey. The only thing I think I need to look at again is the white circle. It was meant to represent the hole, but I think Alices head would be a big enough constrast, showing more literal approach of her thoughts/dream than falling down the hole...