Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Web Design

So We've been asked to design ideas for our own websites so I figured the best place to start would be to look at sites that I like and think work effectively...
Like that this page is pretty slick, the designs cool itself so the site is fairly simple which I like. Like the use of black and white
Again like the simplicity, lets the work speak for itself. Like the hand written logo, makes it quite personal.
Like the designs of Glamour Kills, quite expressive of the designer and the target audience (young teens, quite alternative). Like hand written type and the cut out effect. Like the expressive use of paint splashes. Background changes according to new range which I like. Quite simple navigation, breaks everything down.
This is a spin off site from Glamour Kills and All Time Low, both the company and band are quite quirky and light hearted so I think their site would need to express this which I think it does quite well in the background, then the actual content is quite simple, where people can either leave messages or just rant or whatever which again is shown in just the simple structure used.
This websites quite simple but the I love the product packaging (So much so that I buy the makeup more for the box it comes in than the job it does ;)) Like the use of colour, quite muted but feminine which is appropriate to T/A and product...
Like that the type is handwritten, quite quirky and fun but perhaps a bit difficult to read. I like the idea of hand written type as I think it gives a bit more of a personal feel and I myself am a bit more of an illustrator than a typographer which is something I'd like to portray in my site... Like the use of black and white and one colour keeps the sight quite simple without being boring. Think keeping colours to a minimal makes the design work itself more prominent.
This site is similar to the last but perhaps a bit easier to read and navigate through, some use of handwritten type and some typeface.

This was my first design. I wanted to keep the layout quite simple so as not to distract from the art. I like the handwritten text logo but think the black is a bit distracting from the rest of the page. Intended to frame but is perhaps a bit too big. Think this design is abit too plain or not quite structured effectively.

I like this design, I like the way the birds add a sort of vibrance to the page but don't distract. Think this is helped by the use of only black and white. Slight use of colour just to highlight name, suppose it is about me after all. Probably would have to use all hand written type which could work quite nicely as I feel the text is still easy to read and gives a personal feel. Search bottom a bit distracting.

Quite a nice colour choice, plain and not too vibrant but still feminine. Again like the use of black and white on everything else, actually images can then have colour that will make them more prominent. Would need all hand written text to keep the theme cohesive. Think I prefer previous Idea as it seems to Frame the work better than this...

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Corperate Identity

For this project we were given two words and had to create a company from the words. We then had to create the branding for said company. I can't remember my words but they were to do with a journey as my initial plan was to design a travel agents. I then thought foot forward was quite a good name for a trainer store. I wanted to make a new store that was simple, so in that the trainers that would be sold would speak for themselves.

I had some quite complicated designs including footprints but I then decided to just strip it right back to the name and then a simple arrow. I feel that gives the logo enough movement and interest without being over complicated. I choose the colours, monochrome so that the logo could work on anything then using this blue as it feel quite calm but still youthful and fresh.


This is the design for the interior, I wanted the shop to be plain and clean, using white. I then wanted the interiors to illustrate the youthful feel and be welcoming to the customers. I wanted the trainers to be the prominent features, thus whey the holders for this is the main feature on the walls...

This was a poster I designed for the company. We had to come up with a slogan; mine being "foot me" I wanted it to be youthful and playful, thus why I used a play on words with foot and the colloquialism "fuck". As in "fuck me that's good" HOWEVER, reassessing this, I feel this makes my store seem a bit cheesey or tacky, which takes away from the slick, neatness of the rest of the shop. I don't really like this poster anymore, but it was the first time I used Illustrator and manged to create that trainer, which I'm quite proud of!


Typography has never been my strongest area of design but I feel I'm getting better at it. These are some pieces from the first type project I've ever done so don't be too harsh!

Spread Your Wings

My brother and I are attempting to set up our own T-shirt company (Spread Your Wings obviously ;) ) and this is one of our first designs. Inspired by the likes of Glamour Kills and Johnny Cupcakes. At the minute its pretty much a hobby/pipe dream but if I could make a career out of it it would be pretty amazing.


Illustration has always been a passion of mine. I specifically remember sitting and watching Toy Story in the cinema when it first came out, the ripe old age of 6, and thinking "this is incredible, I want to do something like that" At 6, I obviously didn't know I wanted to illustrate or do Graphics Design, but I knew I wanted to bring things to life, much like the toys. After that I used to sit and draw all the time and effectively got better at it....

Few of my favourite people. I love drawing people, illustrating style and fashion as I rather love fashion. I don't often draw in faces unless theres a desperate need to express an emotion, not because I can't, I just prefer not to. I'd never seen Mr Bingo work before which is a bit weird looking at it now.

This is a piece from the first Illustration project of Year 1. I made a book based on a quote from one tree hill. I can't remember it exactly but this illustration was to represent the like "All you need is one" aww...

This is just a doodle I did after watching the Notebook. The type is something Noah said which the illustration is based on. If it wasn't just a quick sketch I'd do the type better, more elegant. Thought about doing the whole thing on Illustrator to get crisp lines, but I don't want to loose that personal feel.

Invitation I did for a paaarty. Didn't get used mind, they opted for a more slick version of microsoft word and google images which killed me soul but I still like mine more. Some people, no taste :)

This was one of the initial designs I did for Spread your Wings. Quite like the idea but at the moment its a bit complicated for a t-shirt but I cant quite let it go.

I think I've finally mastered the ways of the blogging, treatz.


I studied photography at collage for a year and although I enjoyed it, I was also doing Fine Art and Graphics and I seemingly enjoyed them more. Now I have an SLR however I find myself enjoying taking pictures more. My work is always stronger when I enjoy doing it, these pictures probably reflecting this...

These are some images from the Rule Book project. They did include type in the project but I prefer them as just photos. Mainly because I hand wrote the type and worked it in on photoshop as I didn't know how to do it in Illustator at this time. Now I know, I hate that the lines arn't crisp and clean!

Possibly the earliest I've been up in my life, on a train. Sometimes you see the best thing out of a window.

The wonders of my home town. Seriously...

I like the seaside.

Leeds Festival 2008- Even the rain couldn't put a dampener on this experience

Mood Board For Animation

For our animation project we all got given a designer and have to create a homage to said Designer. I got Erno Goldfinger, an architect designing such buildings as Trellic Towers. I don't particularly like the buildings themselves but I'm looking forward to animating my feelings towards them. This is my mood board which I actually really like. I think this idea could work really well for a "Spread your Wings" t-shirt, using my own photos and using the colour, paint and type to illustrate something SYWesque!

Cup o Tea

In the near future, we will be making a website (how exciting) this was an exercise done to help us understand how websites need to link pages. Rather complex for such a seemingly simple activity. I did this on illustrator initially drawing the cup and swirls then placing the instructions on top. I think it looks quite fun, I particuly like the title. I missed a few instructions but I will be aware when linking my website!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Okay so I am not particularly clued up on this whole blogging idea so excuse the fact that I am a complete idiot :)
Some how I have managed to attach some work (or at least I think I have).
The photographs are either from projects or things I've captured whilst living the dream.
The illustrations are again either my favourite parts of projects or odd sketches that I have taken a shine to.
Anything including "Spread Your Wings" are designs for T-shirts
I hope this has worked but I dont have high expectations!